Social coaching at
JSB Berlin

Make a targeted start to your career after graduation.

After completing an extensive and comprehensive university education as an academic, you strive to get the most out of your academic journey to find your dream job. That’s why Job Service Berlin provides customized individual coaching for academics in Berlin, where a coach will help you discover a challenging position in your field.

What can you expect from social coaching at Job Service Berlin?

With social coaching at Job Service Berlin, you can expect support with career orientation, developing an individual career strategy, improving your application documents, preparing for job interviews and integration into the job market.

Advantages for your organization:

  • Skilled Workforce: Through our program, we support the integration of talented and motivated job seekers into the labor market.
  • Social Responsibility: Engagement in vocational education and integration demonstrates social responsibility and enhances the image of your company.
  • Networking Expansion: Access to a broad network of professionals and potential employees.

Hala Salibi

مسؤول التواصل مع العملاء العرب

Mahsa Behroozian

پاسخگوی فارسی زبانان

Daria Sezavar

Контактное лицо для украино- и русскоязычных клиентов

Range of services

Social skills

Development of interpersonal skills, conflict resolution and
communication training.

Personal development

Self-esteem, stress management, and goal-setting strategies.

Professional orientation

Career counseling, application training and job market orientation.

Health promotion
Advice on health-conscious behavior and dealing with addictive substances.
Network development

Support in building a professional and social network.

Target group and funding

Target group
  • Academics who have worked outside their field or in jobs below their qualifications and are now looking for long-term employment in their field.
  • Employees in specialist and leadership positions, as well as academics, who for various reasons need or want to reorient themselves in the job market after many years of professional activity.
  • Employees with good initial qualifications who are seeking support and suitable strategies for re-entering the workforce after a prolonged break.
  • But also graduates of [nicht-technischer] degree programs who need orientation and knowledge about their career entry, labor market access, and development.

To receive funding for coaching, apply for an AVGS-MAT 1 (activation and placement voucher) from your employment agency or job center.

Dates, duration and measure number

Starting dates

at any time


A maximum of 12 weeks, with the option of attending full-time or part-time.

Lesson times

individual appointments, approx. 2 days/week


Personal to maximize flexibility and accessibility

Measure number